Supporting materials

We have compiled helpful resources for funding applications, sample shipping information, and more for the efficient use of Nightingale Health's analysis service.

Information for funding applications

You may find Nightingale Health’s method description and UK Biobank collaboration useful for funding applications, publication writing, or similar purposes. We can also provide you with a Letter of Uniqueness and a Letter of Commitment, if such documents would suit your needs. Please contact us at research(at) for these documents.

Method description

Metabolic biomarkers will be quantified from serum/plasma/urine/samples using high-throughput proton NMR metabolomics. The metabolic biomarker assay is unique and innovative by enabling the quantification of 250 metabolites from a small volume of plasma. Nightingale’s proprietary metabolic biomarker profiling assay provides an ideal methodology for molecular epidemiology, health tracking, and translation of research findings to clinical use. Nightingale’s blood analysis platform includes both clinically established and emerging biomarkers shown to be medically relevant in large epidemiological studies, and the metabolic profile provides a comprehensive molecular readout of the health state of the subject. More specifically, the analysis provides simultaneous quantification of routine lipids, lipoprotein subclass profiling with lipid concentrations within 14 subclasses, fatty acid composition, inflammation marker GlycA, and various low-molecular metabolites including amino acids, ketone bodies, and gluconeogenesis-related metabolites in molar concentration units. Over 450 publications to date showcase the stability of the technology and the breadth of scientific applications. Details of the experimentation and applications of the NMR metabolomics platform have been described previously (Soininen et al, Circ Cardiovasc Genet 2015; 8: 192, Würtz et al, Am J Epidemiol 2017;186:1084–1096).

UK Biobank collaboration with Nightingale Health

Nightingale Health’s platform is the first biomarker omics technology to profile the entire UK biobank collection of 500,000 blood samples. The rich UK Biobank database with observational study design and a single time-point can be utilized to generate preliminary findings and hypotheses to be tested in your study. Learn more

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